
submarine (2010)

submarine is about a boy named oliver tate who is a bit of a dork and socially alienated. he falls in love with a girl named jordana. to win her over, he teases an overweight girl to impress jordana cause she's a bit of a cunt. they end up becoming a couple while oliver's parents are having relationship problems. his mom's ex boyfriend graham moves next door who's into weird new age shit. oliver keeps an eye on graham to see if he will make a move on his mom. it's pretty much a coming of age movie. i really enjoyed it. the soundtrack is incredible as well thanks to alex turner.

7 OUT OF 10


jane eyre (2011)

apparently there's been like 373598475 versions of jane eyre and i'm quite surprised because it's kind of a boring story. this is going to be my laziest review ever so here it goes. it's about a girl who gets shipped off to boarding school because her aunt is a bitch. the all girl boarding school is run by these dickheads who punish her for dumb stuff. she eventually gets out of there and starts working as a governess at this place run by the lady from james bond and mr. rochester who is played by michael fassbender (i only watched this movie because of him hehaheheahehe)

mr. rochester is kind of an ass but he starts coming on to her and they fall in love. jane finds out that he is married to some crazy lady who lives in an asylum. blahb lahblah a bunch of shit happens to her like she gets all this money from her dead uncle and mr. rochester is still in love with her so they live happily together amen.

5 OUT OF 10


the tree of life (2011)

for a while, i was very skeptical about watching this movie. i thought it would be some avant garde shit and we'd be staring at a tree for like 2 hours. but thank god it wasn't. i don't even know how to explain this movie but basically it's about the origins and the meaning of life. it focuses on the memories of a family living in the 50s. the family features some broad, brad pitt, and his non-adopted children (good for him). he's a major dick to his kids especially to his son jack. in the present day, jack seems to be a bit depressed. he sees a tree being planting outside of his workplace which reminds him of his past.

it's an experimental movie with a nonlinear storyline. it can be a little hard to focus at times but it's definitely a film to experience at least once. i could see myself watching it a few more times in the future.

7.5 OUT OF 10